2017 Africa Emerging Markets Forum, March 26-27, 2017 Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Forum Information:
Background Papers :
Transforming Rural Africa: Growing a Productive Agriculture Sector by Kevin Cleaver French VersionDownload
Demographics and Urbanization: Planning Cities That Work by Gregory K. Ingram French VersionDownload
Building Human Capital: Improving Education Quality by Kaisa Alavuotunki & Ritva Reinikka French VersionDownload
The Neglected Burden of Death and Disability from Injuries in Low-Income Countries by Claude Martin jr., Rolf Jeker & James HarrisonDownload
The Impact of Commodity Terms of Trade in Africa: Curse, Blessing, or Manageable Reality? by Claudio Loser & Ieva VilkelyteDownload
Speeches and Press:
Opening Speech by Minister Niale Kaba of Ministry of Planning and Development of Cote d’IvoireDownload
Event Photos