2018 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum, October 28-30, Tokyo, Japan

2018 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum, October 28-30, Tokyo, Japan

Downloadable Materials Final Program Preliminary Program Participants’ Profiles Summary Proceedings Background Papers Growing Inequality: What Can We Do? Inequality: What Policy Makers Should Know How Aging Societies May Affect Global Growth Prospects Disruption in Global Economic Governance An Economic Perspective on BRI Five Years after its Launch Remarks by Alan Wolff, Deputy Director General, World…

Africa Reset: A New Way Forward

Africa Reset: A New Way Forward

Africa faces both big opportunities and worrisome threats. The Africa that emerges over the next 40 years—whether it becomes a dynamic continent with a growing influence in the world or an economic backwater that exports its people and capital—depends on what African countries do now. The continent is growing and many socioeconomic indicators are improving,…

The World in 2050: Striving for a just, prosperous and harmonious global community

The World in 2050: Striving for a just, prosperous and harmonious global community

This book takes a long-term perspective of economic and social outlook of the world to 2050. Its main focus is on the emerging and developing economies of today. But given the increasing interconnectedness of our world, it inevitably considers the likely evolution of the world economy as a whole. Given its long-term perspective, the book…

Media coverage on the book launch of The World in 2050 around the World

Media coverage on the book launch of The World in 2050 around the World

Book Launch in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia News Articles on the Book Launch Asia poised to become New Economy Book Launch in India Business world Raghuram Rajan says global governance issues a debate in future world International decisions Asia to lead global economy by 2050 Raghuram Rajan on ‘The World in 2050’ Chief Executive Harinder Kohli presents…

Emerging Markets Forum in Paris held in the conference center of Banque de France on Apr 11-12, 2016

Emerging Markets Forum in Paris held in the conference center of Banque de France on Apr 11-12, 2016

Downloadable Materials  Final Program Participants’ Profiles  Overview of The world in 2050: Striving for a just, prosperous and harmonious global community Who We Are brochure 2016 Speeches Horst Koehler, Former President of Germany Michel Camdessus, Former Managing Director, International Monetary Fund President Alassane Ouattara of Côte d’Ivoire Special Remarks Special Address of President Alassane Ouattar…

2015 Beijing Forum for the Emerging Markets, November 3-5, 2015

2015 Beijing Forum for the Emerging Markets, November 3-5, 2015

Yuanchao Li, Vice Chairperson of People’s Republic of China, met with Emerging Markets Forum participants in Beijing: News in Chinese 中新社北京9月2日电 (记者 余湛奕)中国国家副主席李源潮2日在北京会见了来华出席中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念活动的古巴国务委员会第一副主席兼部长会议第一副主席迪亚斯-卡内尔、新西兰总理特使麦金农、红十字国际委员会主席莫雷尔。 Read more: Chinanews 李源潮说,新兴市场是推动世界经济发展的重要力量,新兴市场国家之间需要加强合作,实现优势互补,更好发挥在全球治理体系中的作用。中国愿与新兴市场国家深化合作,共同实现创新型发展,推动世界经济复苏繁荣。 Read more: SINA 李源潮说,新兴市场是推动世界经济发展的重要力量,新兴市场国家之间需要加强合作,实现优势互补,更好发挥在全球治理体系中的作用。中国愿与新兴市场国家深化合作,共同实现创新型发展,推动世界经济复苏繁荣。 Read more: PEOPLE Editor’s note: The 2015 Beijing Forum for Emerging Market, held on Oct 19 and 20, brought together policymakers and former statesmen…

2015 Beijing Forum for the Emerging Markets

2015 Beijing Forum for the Emerging Markets

Yuanchao Li, Vice Chairperson of People’s Republic of China, met with Emerging Markets Forum participants in Beijing: News in Chinese ChinaNews SINA China Daily Online video reports: 1.Michel Camdessus Interview http://tv.cnr.cn/ygzxc/20151022/t20151022_520237209.html 2.Enrique Garcia Interview http://tv.cnr.cn/ygzxc/20151022/t20151022_520237223.html 3. Shigeo Katsu Interview http://tv.cnr.cn/ygzxc/20151019/t20151019_520197969.html 4. Rajat Nag Interview http://tv.cnr.cn/ygzxc/20151019/t20151019_520197986.html 5. Fang Cai Interview http://tv.cnr.cn/ygzxc/20151022/t20151022_520236149.html 6.Fakhruddin Ahmed Interview http://tv.cnr.cn/ygzxc/20151022/t20151022_520236184.html 7.Harinder…

Central Asia 2050 – Unleashing the Region’s Potential

Central Asia 2050 – Unleashing the Region’s Potential

An ancient land, Central Asia occupies a geostrategically critical place at the heart of Eurasia, bridging the vast continental space that is Europe and Asia. Central Asia today faces great opportunities as well as daunting challenges. The principal message of this book is that the region has significant potential and a unique opportunity to accelerate…

Africa 2050 Book Launch, May 20. 2014 Kigali, Rwanda

Africa 2050 Book Launch, May 20. 2014 Kigali, Rwanda

Africa is at a critical turning point and what its leaders do today will determine where the continent will be socially and economically in 2050, and whether the fast-rising aspirations of Africans are met or crushed. Africa 2050 offers a vision of what could be – an Africa that meets the aspiration of its people and…

Kazakhstan 2050: Towards a Modern Society for All

Kazakhstan 2050: Towards a Modern Society for All

Astana Times, May 4, 2014: New Book Looks at What It Will Take Kazakhstan to Reach 2050 Goals Strategy 2050: ‘Kazakhstan 2050: toward a modern society for all’ book presented in Astana Bnews: Kazakhstan joined top 30 developed countries of the world on many aspects: J.Linn Kazakh TV:  Astana hosts 47th meeting of ADB board of governors KazWorld: Kazakhstan –…

Kazakhstan 2050: Towards a Modern Society for All
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Kazakhstan 2050: Towards a Modern Society for All

ASTANA – “Kazakhstan 2050: Toward a Modern Society for All,” a seminal 400-page book about the projected trajectory of development of Kazakhstan’s economy and society, was presented at the May 2-5 47th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank in Astana. Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov and a group…

Kazakhstan 2050 Book Launch, May 2, 2014. Astana, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan 2050 Book Launch, May 2, 2014. Astana, Kazakhstan

Project Description On May 2, 2014 the official launch of the book “Kazakhstan 2050: Toward a Modern Society for All” will take place in Astana, Kazakhstan in connection with the Annual Meetings of the Asian Development Bank. Karim Massimov, head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan will preside over the event. The…

Strategy 2050: ‘Kazakhstan 2050: Toward a Modern Society for All’ Book Presented in Astana

Strategy 2050: ‘Kazakhstan 2050: Toward a Modern Society for All’ Book Presented in Astana

Today, presentation of the book “Kazakhstan 2050: toward a modern society for all” was held in the framework of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank at the Palace of Independence in Astana. “This book is essentially a continuation of the idea that was expressed by President Nursultan Nazarbayev, speaking of the Strategy-2050…

Africa 2050: Realizing the Continents Full Potential
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Africa 2050: Realizing the Continents Full Potential

Africa 2050 is now published by Oxford University Press and is available on Amazon. The book is co-edited by Theodore H. Ahlers, Hiroshi Kato, Harinder S. Kohli, Callisto Madavo and Anil Sood. Africa 2050 highlights that the continent is at a critical turning point—what its leaders do today will determine where it will be socially and economically in 2050 and whether the…

The 2013 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum

The 2013 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum

“Good governance is always easy and effective governance. We should have no doubts about democracy – it has a strong foundation and flexible structure – let us design useful practices and processes in this framework. … Governance must be system based and policy driven. It reduces subjectivity and corruption,” Modi added. Read more: Asian News…

2013 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum, October 13-15, 2013 Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, USA

2013 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum, October 13-15, 2013 Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, USA

Preliminary Program (as of Oct. 10th, 2013) Participant Profiles Final Program Africa 2050: Realizing the Continent’s Full Potential Kazakhstan 2050: Overview The Future of Trade: The Challenges of Convergence World Trade Report 2013: Factors Shaping the Future of World Trade (Executive Summary) What Restraint? Five Years of G20 Pledges on Trade (Executive Summary)

A New Vision for Mexico 2042: Achieving Prosperity for All

A New Vision for Mexico 2042: Achieving Prosperity for All

Countries, like people, need an identity and purpose, a clear project, a worthwhile roadmap, and music of the future. Their transformation needs to start with a clear narrative of where they want to go. The future needs to be drawn very clearly. This book has the rigor of a professional diagnosis and the music of…

Transforming Indian Agriculture-India 2040: Productivity, Markets, and Institutions
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Transforming Indian Agriculture-India 2040: Productivity, Markets, and Institutions

India’s recent performance in agriculture has been favorable, with agricultural production growing over the past 30 years. Yet there is widespread consensus that, relative to the rest of the economy, agriculture is lagging and that it can and must do much better to support India’s overall high economic growth and dynamism. This book explores the…

Reform of the International Monetary System
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Reform of the International Monetary System

September 2008 saw the United States financial system at the edge of collapse, with the tightly integrated global financial system following close behind. But that was only a symptom of the problems that generated the ensuing crisis. The more fundamental cause lay in some of the practices that had developed in many of the major…

Islamic Finance – Writings of V. Sundararajan Jaseem Ahmed and Harinder Kohli (editors)
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Islamic Finance – Writings of V. Sundararajan Jaseem Ahmed and Harinder Kohli (editors)

This book is a compilation of selected writings of DrVenkataraman Sundararajan (1945-2010), an international policy maker who played a significant role in the development of the regulatory and supervisory frameworks and policy for Islamic finance. Spanning more than a decade of his thoughts on Islamic finance, this book provides both basic and advanced knowledge of…

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Central Asia and the Caucasus – At the Crossroads of Eurasia in the 21st Century

This book brings together a series of background papers that were prepared for the First Eurasian Emerging Markets Forum, held in Thun, Switzerland, in January 2010. The papers cover a broad range of issues relevant to the diverse and dynamic group of countries situated on the Eurasian super-continent. Although the papers cover subjects and themes…

Latin America 2040 – Breaking Away from Complacency: An Agenda for Resurgence
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Latin America 2040 – Breaking Away from Complacency: An Agenda for Resurgence

This book presents a long term vision of Latin American society and economies, within which current policy debates and actions must be anchored. It presents a set of multigenerational issues that must be tackled in order for countries in the region to reduce inequities, as well as raise their economic growth rates. The authors provide…

2010 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum, October 11-13, 2010 Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, USA

2010 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum, October 11-13, 2010 Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, USA

The Fifth Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum took place between the 23rd to 25th of October 2010 in Warrenton, Virginia. 2010 Global Meeting of the EMF Full Program 2010 Global Meeting of the EMF List of Participants Proceedings The New Resilience of Emerging Market Countries: Weathering the Recent Crisis in the Global Economy…